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来源:   作者:中国特色金融研究创新团队  日期:2023年11月22日  点击数:



目:Extreme Illiquidity and Cross-Sectional Corporate Bond Returns

容:Corporate bonds carry an extreme illiquidity (EIL) premium. This premium permeates all rating categories and heightens during financial crises and periods of high uncertainty. EIL has predictive power in the cross-section for future returns up to at least one year. Active investors like mutual funds prefer low EIL bonds that can be easily liquidated in times of stress, whereas passive institutional investors overweight high EIL bonds to receive the EIL premium. While adding an EIL factor constructed from portfolios to the factor model increases the explanatory power, its effect is largely subsumed by bond-level EIL in a horse race.


王军波教授多次获得香港城市大学最佳研究奖和最佳博士生导师奖,在国际金融学主流期刊上发表学术文章50余篇,其中包括在Journal of FinanceJournal of Financial EconomicsJournal of Financial and quantitative AnalysisManagemen t Science等国际顶级期刊发表论文多篇,论文多次获得国际金融会议/杂志的最佳论文奖。

主办:英国威廉希尔唯一官网 中国特色金融研究创新团队
