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来源:   作者:王熙  日期:2019年09月10日  点击数:

主题:The Process of Conducting Research: Reflecting, Sharing, and Learning






黄智现任肯塔基大学盖顿商学院管理学系副教授,在这之前任教于香港科技大学商学院管理学系。黄教授从波士顿学院卡罗商学院组织管理学系获得博士学位,他的研究主要从认知心理学的角度看社会结构(包括社会地位结构,权力结构,社会网络结构,制度结构)怎么影响组织,团队和个人,他用来研究这些现象和课题的情景很多样性也很有趣,包括美国大学体育产业,美国商业银行,全球信息技术行业,公司高管团队和董事会,工作团队,爵士乐队。他的研究都发表在国际顶尖管理学刊物,如管理学杂志(Academy of Management Journal),组织科学(Organization Science),战略管理杂志(Strategic Management Journal),他的研究也获得不少国际奖项。他同时担任管理季刊(Administrative Science Quarterly)和管理杂志(Journal of Management)的编委。他主要讲授战略管理课程,曾获得香港科技大学商学院优秀教学院长提名奖。


Session 1 Causal inference (如何发现和推理研究中的因果关系)

· Fiske, S. T. (2003). The discomfort index: How to spot a really good idea whose time has come. Psychological Inquiry, 14(3-4), 203-208.

· Davis, M.S., 1971. That's interesting! Towards a phenomenology of sociology and a sociology of phenomenology. Philosophy of the social sciences, 1(2), pp.309-344.

· Bartunek, J.M., Rynes, S.L. and Ireland, R.D., 2006. What Makes Management Research Interesting, and Why Does It Matter?. The Academy of Management Journal, 49(1), pp.9-15.

Session2: Academic writing(如何训练和提升学术写作能力)

· Merton, R.K., 1987. Three fragments from a sociologist's notebooks: Establishing the phenomenon, specified ignorance, and strategic research materials. Annual review of sociology, 13(1), pp.1-29.

· Huber, J., Payne, J. W., & Puto, C. (1982). Adding Asymmetrically Dominated Alternatives: Violations of Regularity and the Similarity Hypothesis. The Journal of Consumer Research, 9(1), 90-98.

· Zuckerman, E.W., 1999. The categorical imperative: Securities analysts and the illegitimacy discount. American journal of sociology, 104(5), pp.1398-1438.

· Podolny, J.M., 2001. Networks as the pipes and prisms of the market.American journal of sociology, 107(1), pp.33-60.

Session3: Responding to reviewer(如何真诚且巧妙地回应挑剔的评审者)

· Huang, Zhi & Zhu, Hong. Cross-Border Acquisitions and the Asymmetric Effect of Power Distance Value Difference on Long-Term Post-Acquisition Performance. SMJ first submission

· SMJ first submission decision letter

             · Response to the first revision request
