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来源:   作者:王熙  日期:2019年10月18日  点击数:




讲座内容:Consumers may prefer newer options for many reasons—e.g., trendiness, freshness, or improvements over their older counterparts. In this article, we find that consumers prefer even incidentally newer options, such as a more recently purchased scratch-off lottery ticket. That is, consumers show a preference for chronologically newer options independent of rational inferences about the benefits of newness. To explain this “mere newness preference,” we show that consumers almost universally hold an implicit association between “newer” and “better.” This association exists at general level and does not require specific inferences about a product’s trendiness, freshness, improvements, etc. Indeed, we demonstrate that mere newness effect exists whether or not choices are between transparently identical options (e.g., coin tosses and lottery tickets) or between different richly-described products. We also demonstrate attenuation of the effect in domains where consumers may hold that opposite association, such as for red wine and classic art. Finally, we show that this matters to real consumer decisions by finding that people are willing to pay for incidental newness in incentive-compatible studies and that they are more likely to click on ads for products with a “new” label in a field experiment.

主讲人简介:揭赟,英国威廉希尔唯一官网本科、硕士,加州大学河滨分校管理学博士(市场营销方向),研究兴趣为消费者行为决策理论和行为经济学。研究成果发表于Journal of Business Research (SSCI, 唯一作者), Journal of Brand Management (SSCI期刊, 第一作者) 等期刊。担任消费行为顶尖会议ACR (Association for Consumer Research)Competitive Paper Session匿名审稿人,SCP(Society for Consumer Psychology) 匿名审稿人。曾被耶鲁大学和哈佛大学等应邀报告其研究内容,获得2019年华人顶尖营销会议—营销科学与应用国际论坛华夏营销青年学者一等奖。
